
how Jung accept Freud....

Freud - psycho made up of ego, id , and superego
- dreams caused b repressed unconscious desires
- dreams disguise the true meaning (laent content) in a bizarre symbolic msg (manifest content)
- dreams have a lan. all their own-
(opposites/ condensation/ literal phreases/ sounds like)

must unpacked the free association btw dreams.. can't recognize the dream father isn't ur really father.
sounds like - get around ego -> objects sound like the real thing that

jung- rejected Freud's animalistic view of humanity
-Dreams are a road to self discovery
-Reveals unconscious aspects of or personality
-Archetypal concepts in the Collective Unconscious
(Dr. J's hero Rupert Sheldrake - scientifitc support)
everyone has both male and female figures in mind -> need to balance btw these 2

especially his over synthesized of SEX

Cognitive/ - sleep cycles (stages of sleeping once evry hr , REM

oxygen debrivation causes rapid eye movement.

REM connection with dreams -> if waken up everytime, end up psychology breakdown

neuropsych views
-are dreams juz byprodcut of brain cleanup?
file maintainence cleanup to have REM ; neuron is still firing while sleepin
reticular part of brain

dreams are juz clusters from long term memory.

Dream Anomolies - how do we explains?
- recurrent dreams:
by itsefl is a problem for neuropsych view... but for spycho analyst like it, since it proves evidence. if issues are deal with , then the dream will not appear again
1. against redom
2. why they go away?

- lucid dreaming, when u know u are dreaming?
Steveston luberg
have 2 lucid dreamers to have be in the same DREAM , they have dreamed about meeting each other , and have the same thing!!!
overlaps in the dreams
their consciousness are meetin each other.

- paranormal dream
precognitive dream - dreaming of the future and that happened
scientist way: delusional or lying/

Dream LOg technique
1. write it down in present tense
2. write down every little details
3. give a clever "hollywood title" -> ususally the hints for unconscious

macro analysis - oeverview of emiotion and plot line
how u feel , how the plot line is;
when u feel that when u are awake?
how is that related to a plot line in real life?

micro analysis- decoding the element's symbolism
2 Q for each element?
1. what does it make u think of?
2. how would u feel if you were that person/ thing/ object?
every single element represent a symbol of u ! - insight!

conclusions and potential resolutions (ideal endings- come up with new ending that u like and interpret it with ur real life to get solusion >

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